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Pixicade Mobile Game Maker logo

Pixicade App

Pixicade Mobile Game Maker is an app that turns your drawings into video games.

I hand lettered the logo and polished the design in Adobe Illustrator.

Pixicade is available for download for iOS, Android, and Amazon devices.

Pixicade home screen on an iPhone
Pixicade Missions screen on an iPhone

In Pixicade you can complete missions to earn stars and collect rewards.

I designed 70+ rewards including illustrated and animated profile pictures, game borders, and stickers to award to other users’ games.

Pixicade rewards screen on an iPhone
Three iPhones laying in a line with the pixicade game preview screens and win screen

When you click on a game in the arcade a game preview pops up. The preview for shared games shows stats and information, while the private preview has buttons for users to manage their game.


In the pause, win, and lose screens you can see stickers that you and other
users have placed on the game.

Users can enhance their games by adding powerups. I designed the icons for the 16 new powerups—like platform crumble, homing, and link to barrier—released with the Pixicade Quest expansion kit.

I animated 7 profile pictures that can be earned through the Pixicade rewards feature.

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